
Regulatory Commercial Offences

Regulatory Commercial Offences are charges placed on your business or yourself that are more regulatory in nature. They can be a municipal by-law or a provincial charge. One would think because it is regulatory and not criminal, it would be less serious. With most charges having a strict liability classification, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Penalties are often very high fines and carry the possibility of jail time.

Landlords can receive charges based on the tenant’s upkeep of the property. There are fire code violations, trespassing, a charge under the Liquor Licence Act, the Environmental Protection Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act as these are all common charging statues.

Usually, these charges will over lap with other areas of law so you need a representative that is well versed in not only conducting trials but in operating in other areas as well such as Landlord and tenant law, business law, and criminal law.

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    Bauer Legal, questioning authority since 2016.