Record Suspensions Nonprofit Initiative
Having an offence on one’s record does not just inhibit employment opportunities, but anytime their character would be called into question. This could happen when trying to apply for a volunteer opportunity, making a career change, going through the family court system, or just trying to cross the border.
Passion 4 Pardons is a Canadian Non profit that takes great pride in being able to sponsor individuals in need of record suspensions. Here we accept applications and thoroughly vet those we feel would most benefit from receiving this free assistance. The applicants’ full costs are covered by the program, which is made available through its principal sponsor, Bauer Legal, and through the donations of generous sponsors made possible by fundraising efforts throughout the year. The applicants, once approved, work closely with a legal administrator to process fingerprints, obtain court, and police documents, and properly share their stories in the application.
The result is more productive members in our society and a poverty reduction strategy.
Fully Subsidized
Thanks to our generous partnership with Bauer Legal and community grants we are able to fully subsidize the cost of applying for a record suspension.
Full Assistance
Due to our close partnership with Bauer Legal, we not only complete the legal paperwork for you, we guide you through every step of the way.
Life Changing Results
Reciepients of record suspensions go on qualify for more employment opportunities and that reduces the level of poverty within our communities.

Application Form
GET STARTED TODAYKeep in mind that obtaining a quote or corresponding with us does not establish a paralegal-client relationship and we are not retained on your matter until that relationship is established. Bauer Legal is fully licensed and Insured by the Law Society of Ontario. Information on this website is intended to be educational only and legal advice needs to be obtained for your specific matter.
Bauer Legal, questioning authority since 2016.