Advancements in technology to policing equipment mean they can scan vehicle plates automatically and alert the officer if something is off, such as; No valid Insurance on the vehicle & registered vehicle owner having a suspended licence.
Life Happens. Bills pile up, you forgot about a payment coming up. Or you are just simply so busy you forgot. The court views having Insurance to drive in Ontario very seriously. If you were to get into an accident, and someone was injured, who’s going to pay the victim’s lost wages, hospital bills (for things not covered by OHIP), or even watch their children while they heal? That’s what your insurance coverage provides for. Not to mention how costly auto body repair is.
That’s why the penalty for driving with no insurance is so steep.
With a full G license, you’re looking at:
First Offence
- Fine $6,250 (after all court fees)
- High-Risk Insurance
- Time off work to go to Court
- Conviction on driving record that affects employability
Subsequent Offences
- Fine $10,000 – $20,000
- Possible 30 days in jail
- High-Risk Insurance
- Time off work to go to Court
- Conviction on driving record that affects employability
It doesn’t have to be this way, you have options!
Text your ticket to 905-746-2070 or fill the form out for an Instant Quote!
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Bauer Legal, questioning authority since 2016.