Whether the accident was your fault or not, Ontario’s has standard car accident benefits on every policy. Some are optional increased benefits, others are standard and apply to even liability only insurance. If you’ve been in an accident and live in Ontario, your going to be rated for the claim wether you access your full benefits or not. Get the most out of your policy by ensuring you recieve all of your entitlments, including income assitance for students and stay at home parents. Because everyone’s situation is unique, contact us today for a personal review of your policy/accident to see if your missing out on any benefits you could qualify for. We provide full legal representation of claims against insurance companies before the Tribunal.
Keep in mind that obtaining a quote or corresponding with us does not establish a paralegal-client relationship and we are not retained on your matter until that relationship is established. Bauer Legal is fully licensed and Insured by the Law Society of Ontario. Information on this website is intended to be educational only and legal advice needs to be obtained for your specific matter.
Bauer Legal, questioning authority since 2016.